Holi is a festival of colour celebrating the new harvest. The city celebrates with a vengeance from 6:00 am onwards. People throw colour and water on each other (beware of water balloons landing on unsuspecting heads) and generally have a wild time. Please wear old clothes which can be dumped that day, if you are planning to venture out. Dharavi is known to be particularly noisy and enthusiastic and a bunch of international guests will invite loads of attention. Might be wise to catch up on sleep the whole morning and afternoon in preparation for the party that evening.
From 9:30pm: Mad Decent Urban Typhoon Party
Special guest: Dj Paul Devro [Mad Decent, Philadelphia]
@ Blue Frog Club
D/2 Mathuradas Mills Compound
N.M. Joshi Marg
Mumbai 400 013
Abhijit Dharmadhikari said...